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I like the saying, “Down Syndrome is a Journey I Never Planned, BUT I Sure Do LOVE My Tour Guide”.

That saying speaks so much truth to me…

On September 17, 2011, I gave birth to my 7th child, Holly Grace. I had a very healthy pregnancy. The ultrasound I had in May came back

normal. After I gave birth, all of her brothers and sisters were in awe of their new sister. Then life took a twist and the doctor came in and

asked them to all leave the room. She needed to speak to me alone. The doctor shared she had concerns of Holly being born with

down syndrome and suggested testing to confirm the diagnosis. I was speechless and numb. I heard of down syndrome but knew

nothing more than that. A week later, I received the official diagnosis. Holly was born with down syndrome. She was born with an extra

chromosome, a third copy of the 21st chromosome. Although she has had and will have obstacles ahead, she sees the positive in this

world. She sees the good and beauty in this world. She loves all people. She has brought joy and happiness to our family and to others.

She is unique. She loves to give hugs and to touch your hand. She loves to dance. She is our gift. We have been given a journey we

didn’t plan. Holly is our PERFECT tour guide. She is down right PERFECT!

To celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, I created a video to share Our Journey with Our Tour Guide, Holly.

Love Every Chromosome

Stockholm Syndrome Free Download

Also, in Celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, 3 – 21 and Down Syndrome Awareness, I created printables our family has used and

would like to share with you, your family and friends.

Free Printable 8 X 10 Down Syndrome Awareness Definition Wall Art

Here is a photo of one of the cupcakes created with the free printables below

Instructions on how to assemble the cupcake toppers and wrappers, click here to see the video tutorial I created.

Supplies that I mentioned in the video

Free Printable of Down Syndrome Awareness Cupcake Toppers and Wrappers

2″ Cupcake Toppers

Watercolor Down Syndrome Awareness Ribbon

2″ Cupcake Topper

Watercolor Down Syndrome Awareness


Design Syndrome Free Download

These printables are for personal use only.

This page may contain affiliate links, which means that at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission. I only recommend products I use and love myself.

Download and Read online Sj Gren S Syndrome ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Get Free Sj Gren S Syndrome Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Fast Download speed and ads Free!

Advances in Common Eye Infections

Author: Shimon Rumelt
Publsiher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2016-12-07
ISBN 10: 9535128094
ISBN 13: 9789535128090
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

This book is a new addition for a broad-spectrum library in ophthalmology and other specialties in medicine of 'InTech.' It addresses ocular infections. These infections may result in blindness if not correctly diagnosed and promptly treated. Therefore, it is essential to be fully aware and knowledgeable about the manifestations of these diseases, and this book covers some of the different aspects of them. The chapters were written by experts from around the globe and these reflect the importance of the subject. The book is aimed for ophthalmologists, residents in ophthalmology and infectious diseases, general practitioners, and researchers in hope to advance the knowledge for the benefit of the world habitants wherever they are.

Lacrimal Gland Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes 3

Author: David A. Sullivan,Michael E. Stern,Kazuo Tsubota,Darlene A. Dartt,Rose M. Sullivan,B. Britt Bromberg
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 1399
Release: 2013-11-11
ISBN 10: 1461507170
ISBN 13: 9781461507178
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL
Lacrimal Gland Tear Film and Dry Eye Syndromes 3 Book Review:

During the past several decades, a significant international research effort has been directed towards understanding the composition and regulation of the preocular tear film. This effort has been motivated by the recognition that the tear film plays a critical role in maintaining corneal and conjunctival integrity, protecting against microbial challenge and preserving visual acuity. In addition, research has been stimulated by the knowledge that alteration or deficiency of the tear film, which occurs in numerous individuals throughout the world, may lead to desiccation of the ocular surface, ulceration and perforation of the cornea, an increased incidence of infectious disease, and potentionally pronounced visual disability and blindness.

Clinical Electrophysiology

Author: Peter W. Kaplan,Thien Nguyen
Publsiher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 200
Release: 2011-07-05
ISBN 10: 1444347942
ISBN 13: 9781444347944
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Bridging the clinical electrophysiological investigation with the neurological consultation Acutely ill patients present with symptoms that don’t immediately yield a diagnosis. Electrophysiological testing can support diagnosis but only if the appropriate tests are ordered. They must be properly interpreted in conjunction with the actual symptoms. Clinical Electrophysiology presents a wide range of symptoms with specific electrophysiological results. The handbook shows how the complete picture leads to better diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic conclusions. The book is organized by the presenting neurological problem in a clinical setting. For each case the authors provide a possible electrophysiological result. This is interpreted and tied to the patient’s symptoms to yield a clinical solution. The handbook avoids theoretical discussion to provide a direct practical guide that: Begins with the patient’s symptoms Uses a range of electrophysiological modalities Shows different test results for similar symptoms Relates clinical observation to electrophysiological testing A final casebook section presents readers with rarer clinical challenges for self-testing. Providing practical, to-the-point guidance on electrophysiological investigations, Clinical Electrophysiology will guide all neurologists attending acutely ill patients.

Sj gren s syndrome

Author: Sics Editore
Publsiher: SICS Editore
Total Pages: 329
Release: 2014-10-01
ISBN 10: 8869304485
ISBN 13: 9788869304484
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Reduced function of exocrine glands is usually first manifested as dryness of the eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and mouth (xerostomia). May occur as a primary disease or secondary to rheumatoid arthritis, or rarely to SLE or scleroderma. 10–15% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from sicca symptoms. Presence of autoantibodies is typical in Sjögren's syndrome. Their absence in patients suffering from dryness of the eyes and mouth speaks against the diagnosis.

The Sjogren s Book

Author: Daniel J. Wallace MD
Publsiher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 416
Release: 2011-09-28
ISBN 10: 0199876223
ISBN 13: 9780199876228
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Afflicting one in seventy Americans, Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that commonly causes dryness of the eyes, mouth, and nose, and that can lead to complications including profound fatigue, depression, and lymphoma. While there is no cure for Sjögren's, much can be done to alleviate the suffering of patients. This extensively revised handbook offers everything you need to know to cope with this disease. The Sjögren's Book, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive and authoritative guide, produced by the Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation and its medical advisors and edited by physician Daniel J. Wallace, a leading authority on autoimmune disorders. This expanded edition provides readers with the best medical and practical information on this disorder, bringing together the current thinking about Sjögren's in an easily readable and understandable book, with an entirely new section on lifestyle issues aimed at improving the quality of life for Sjögren's sufferers. With more than thirty chapters written by leading experts, the handbook illuminates the major clinical aspects of the syndrome and is loaded with practical tips and advice. Indeed, it offers a wide-ranging look at the many faces of Sjögren's, covering diagnosis, the various organ systems that can be affected, the possible psychological problems, and the many treatment options, as well as a concluding chapter listing the web, print, and media resources available. It is a valuable aid that patients can use while discussing their illness with their physician and an excellent resource for family members. And because Sjögren's is greatly underdiagnosed, this handbook is a particularly valuable resource for healthcare professionals. Recognized as the bible for Sjögren's suffers, this reliable and informative guide is the first place for patients to look when they have questions about this little known but serious chronic disease.

Sj gren s Syndrome

Author: Norman Talal,Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos,Stuart S. Kassan
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 300
Release: 2012-12-06
ISBN 10: 3642501184
ISBN 13: 9783642501180
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

I have been a student of Sjogren's syndrome for virtually all of my professional life. My education in this disease began in 1962 when I arrived at the National Institutes of Health to begin a Clinical Asso ciateship with Dr. Joseph J. Bunim. Bunim introduced me to a pat ient with Sjogren's syndrome of 8 years duration who had devel oped malignant lymphoma 6 months previously. He told me that there were other such patients. I obtained serum samples from these patients and studied them by the then new technique of immuno electrophoresis. We observed that an initial hypergammaglobulin emia could progressively decline to hypogammaglobulinemia with loss of autoantibodies. One patient in this initial series had macrog lobulinemia. We published this report and suggested that the auto immunity predisposed to the malignant transformation. Thus began my love affair with this disease. In those days many rheumatologists considered Sjogren's syn drome simply a variant of rheumatoid arthritis. It's curious that two decades ago there was little confusion between Sjogren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus, whereas today there is great con fusion. There is still a great need for internationally agreed upon di agnostic criteria, which merely illustrates once again the difficulty of accurate diagnosis in our profession. The multidisciplinary aspects of Sjogren's syndrome require au thorities in several areas of medicine. The various chapter contribu tors are experts in their field and have often put aside other respon sibilities to complete their contributions and not delay publication.

Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders

Author: Anonim
Publsiher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 1632
Release: 2010-02-26
ISBN 10: 012374105X
ISBN 13: 9780123741059
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

The Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders is a comprehensive reference work on movement disorders, encompassing a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and pharmacology. This compilation will feature more than 300 focused entries, including sections on different disease states, pathophysiology, epidemiology, genetics, clinical presentation, diagnostic tools, as well as discussions on relevant basic science topics. This Encyclopedia is an essential addition to any collection, written to be accessible for both the clinical and non-clinical reader. Academic clinicians, translational researchers and basic scientists are brought together to connect experimental findings made in the laboratory to the clinical features, pathophysiology and treatment of movement disorders. The Encyclopedia targets a broad readership, ranging from students to general physicians, basic scientists and Movement Disorder specialists. Published both in print and via Elsevier’s online platform of Science Direct, this Encyclopedia will have the enhanced option of integrating traditional print with online multimedia. Connects experimental findings made in the laboratory to the clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatment of movement disorders Encompasses a wide variety of topics in neurology neurosurgery, psychiatry, and pharmacology Written for a broad readership ranging from students to general physicians, basic scientists, and movement disorder specialists

The Neurology of Eye Movements Text and CD ROM

Author: Departments of Neurology R. John Leigh Professor, Neuroscience Otolaryngology and Biomedical Engineering Case Western Reserve University University Hospitals and Veterans Affairs Medical Center Cleveland Ohio,Departments of Neurology David S. Zee Professor, Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and Neuroscience
Publsiher: Oxford University Press, USA
Total Pages: 656
Release: 1999-08-26
ISBN 10: 0198029705
ISBN 13: 9780198029700
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL
The Neurology of Eye Movements Text and CD ROM Book Review:

The Neurology of Eye Movements provides clinicians with a synthesis of current scientific information that can be applied to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of ocular motility. Basic scientists will also benefit from descriptions of how data from anatomical, electrophysiological, pharmacological, and imaging studies can be directly applied to the study of disease. By critically reviewing such basic studies, the authors build a conceptual framework that can be applied to the interpretation of abnormal ocular motor behavior at the bedside. These syntheses are summarized in displays, new figures, schematics and tables. Early chapters discuss the visual need and neural basis for each functional class of eye movements. Two large chapters deal with the evaluation of double vision and systematically evaluate how many disorders of the central nervous system affect eye movements. This edition has been extensively rewritten, and contains many new figures and an up-to-date section on the treatment of abnormal eye movements such as nystagmus. A major innovation has been the development of an option to read the book from a compact disc, make use of hypertext links (which bridge basic science to clinical issues), and view the major disorders of eye movements in over 60 video clips. This volume will provide pertinent, up-to-date information to neurologists, neuroscientists, ophthalmologists, visual scientists, otalaryngologists, optometrists, biomedical engineers, and psychologists.

Yoga Does It

Author: Sofia Friedman
Publsiher: Anonim
Total Pages: 329
Release: 2013-10-21
ISBN 10: 9781620307137
ISBN 13: 1620307138
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Advances in Salivary Diagnostics

Author: Charles F. Streckfus
Publsiher: Springer
Total Pages: 204
Release: 2015-02-03
ISBN 10: 3662453991
ISBN 13: 9783662453995
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

This book reviews the progress made in salivary diagnostics during the past two decades and identifies the likely direction of future endeavors. After an introductory section describing the histological and anatomical features of the salivary glands and salivary function, salivary collection devices and diagnostic platforms are reviewed. The field of “salivaomics” is then considered in detail, covering, for example, proteomics, the peptidome, DNA and RNA analysis, biomarkers, and methods for biomarker discovery. Salivary diagnostics for oral and systemic diseases are thoroughly discussed, and the role of salivary gland tissue engineering for future diagnostics is explored. The book closes by considering legal issues and barriers to salivary diagnostic development. Advances in Salivary Diagnostics will be an informative and stimulating reference for both practitioners and students.

The Autoimmune Connection

Author: Rita Baron-Faust,Jill P. Buyon
Publsiher: McGraw Hill Professional
Total Pages: 304
Release: 2003-04-22
ISBN 10: 0071425519
ISBN 13: 9780071425513
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Empowers women to make informed decisions about autoimmune disorders More than 50 million Americans, most of them women, suffer from a constellation of mysterious, often misdiagnosed diseases that can result in disability, disfigurement, and death. Called 'autoimmune diseases,' they arise when the immune system attacks healthy tissues in almost any area of the body, and include lupus rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, scleroderma, and Graves' disease. Now Jill Buyon, a doctor working on the cutting edge of research into these diseases, and Rita Baron-Faust, an award-winning medical journalist, arm women with the knowledge they need to obtain accurate diagnoses and the best possible treatments. In The Autoimmune Connection readers learn about the recent groundbreaking discovery of the links between the different autoimmune diseases and why women are more likely to develop them. The authors offer the most up-to-date information on diagnosis, treatments, and risks for women with one or more autoimmune disease.

The New Sjogren s Syndrome Handbook

Author: Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation,
Publsiher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2004-10-18
ISBN 10: 0199883785
ISBN 13: 9780199883783
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Afflicting nearly four million Americans, Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that commonly causes dryness of the eyes, mouth, and nose, and that can lead to complications including profound fatigue, depression, and lymphoma. While there is no cure for Sjogren's, much can be done to alleviate the suffering of patients. This extensively revised handbook offers everything you need to know to cope with this disease. The New Sjogren's Syndrome Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive and authoritative guide, produced by the Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation and its medical advisors and edited by physician Daniel J. Wallace, a leading authority on auto-immune disorders. This expanded edition provides readers with the best medical and practical information on this disorder, bringing together the current thinking about Sjogren's in an easily readable and understandable book. The handbook illuminates the major clinical aspects of the syndrome and is loaded with practical tips and advice to assist those seeking information. Indeed, it offers a wide-ranging look at the many faces of Sjogren's, covering diagnosis, the various organ systems that can be affected, the possible psychological problems, and the many treatment options, as well as an appendix listing the resources available for patients with the disease. It is a valuable aid that patients can use while discussing their illness with their physician and an excellent resource for family members. And because Sjogren's is greatly underdiagnosed, this handbook is a particularly valuable resource for healthcare professionals. The most reliable and informative guide available, The New Sjogren's Syndrome Handbook, Third Edition is the first place for patients to look when they have questions about this little known but serious chronic disease.

Beh et s Syndrome

Noir syndrome free download pc
Author: Yusuf Yazıcı,Hasan Yazıcı
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 347
Release: 2010-06-16
ISBN 10: 9781441956415
ISBN 13: 1441956417
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Behçet’s Syndrome has seen great strides over the last two decades in the availability of new treatments and the understanding of underlying pathogenesis. Only 30 years ago the majority of particularly young men with Behçet’s lost total eye sight, now only a minority do. This book covers the most recent developments in the basic and clinical aspects of Behçet’s Syndrome. International authorities have collaborated to offer their diverse expert knowledge on the multiple affected organs and systems, including the skin, the eye, the brain, the lungs and not the least the gastrointestinal and the locomotor systems. A special chapter is devoted to juvenile disease. The definitive resource on Behçet’s Syndrome, this book is well suited for rheumatologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, and health professionals caring for Behçet’s patients.

Improbable Scholars

Author: David L. Kirp
Publsiher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 272
Release: 2015-05-13
ISBN 10: 0199391092
ISBN 13: 9780199391097
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

'Reveals a sensible way to rebuild public education and close the achievement gap for all students. Indeed, this is already happening in a most unlikely place: Union City, New Jersey, a poor, crowded Latino community just across the Hudson from Manhattan. Kirp explores the game-changing reasons behind Union City's successful schools, including quality early education, a word-soaked curriculum, and hands-on help for teachers. Improbable scholars offers a playbook for reform that will dramatically change our approach to reviving public education'--

Ferri s Differential Diagnosis

Author: Fred F. Ferri
Publsiher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Total Pages: 540
Release: 2010-08
ISBN 10: 0323076998
ISBN 13: 9780323076999
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Here's a portable, concise guide to differential diagnosis for over 900 signs, symptoms and clinical disorders. Differential diagnoses are listed both by presenting sign or symptom and by clinical disorder, so you can confirm your diagnosis accurately, completely, and quickly. This is a versatile, easy-to-use reference you'll consult every day.

Pathways to Illness Pathways to Health

Author: Angele McGrady,Donald Moss
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 263
Release: 2013-03-12
ISBN 10: 1441913793
ISBN 13: 9781441913791
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL
Pathways to Illness Pathways to Health Book Review:

This book, designed for professionals, introduces a psychobiological model for understanding the paths that lead people to illness and provides recommendations for alterations of maladaptive pathways so that health is regained. Research findings are incorporated to identify causal variables for illness that can be targets for change. Evidence based recommendations for healthy behaviors and therapies are described. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize recognition of turning points on the path to illness that, through informed decision making and implementation of behavioral change, can be re-directed to pathways to health. This book presents case material to illustrate the directions that lead people to illness or to health. The pathways metaphor provides an organizing force, both in addressing variables contributing to illness onset, and in identifying interventions to restore health. This approach will guide the clinician to understanding how people become ill and the types of interventions that are appropriate for stress related illnesses. The clinician will also become better informed about ways to help clients make better decisions, mobilize clients’ survival skills, and implement an interactive model of care. The book includes chapters on stress-related illnesses with high prevalence in today’s society. For each illness, the genetic-psychobiological etiology is explored with enough detail so that the clinician understands the best method of patient assessment and treatment. One of the strengths of the book is the step-wise system of interventions that are applied to the stress-related illnesses. Beginning with re-establishment of normal daily psychobiological rhythms and continuing to evidence based state of the art interventions, the professional is presented with detailed intervention plans. For example, the section on 'Applications to common illnesses: metabolic disorders of behavior: diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia' considers the confluence of genetics, behavior, and maladaptive mind body interactions to produce the metabolic syndrome. Then the personal and professional assessments are described to establish the baseline for recommending treatment while fully engaging the patient. Finally, multilevel interventions are formulated for these disorders. The plan begins with clinician guided self care recommendations to re-establish the normal rhythm of appetite and satiety. The next level of interventions consists of skill building techniques, such as relaxation and imagery. Lastly, psychotherapy and advanced applied psychophysiological interventions are detailed. Case examples are used throughout to illustrate the pathways to illness, the turning points, and the pathways to health. From the patients’ viewpoints, the pathways metaphor is a motivator. The patient is guided to understand the paths that led to illness. Subsequently, the patient becomes empowered by the pathways framework to begin to make choices that lead to health.

Gland Preserving Salivary Surgery

Author: M. Boyd Gillespie,Rohan R. Walvekar,Barry M. Schaitkin,David W. Eisele
Publsiher: Springer
Total Pages: 267
Release: 2018-02-05
ISBN 10: 3319583352
ISBN 13: 9783319583358
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Salivary Endoscopy is a rapidly emerging field that has revolutionized the management of non-neoplastic diseases of the salivary gland, such as salivary stones, sialadenitis, and salivary duct stenosis. With the emergence of endoscopic access to the salivary ductal system, several procedural and technical innovations have emerged that have now permitted gland preservation surgery for these pathologies. As more centers and physicians are adopting this rapidly emerging and evolving procedure, there is a need for source of literature that provides current concepts and detailed technical descriptions of the procedures that involve gland preservation surgery. This text intends to capture the current concepts among experts and in literature regarding the management of non-neoplastic salivary gland diseases. The book also focuses on steps of surgical management and technical pearls while providing detailed information on the decision-making process when emcompassing the diversity of clinical presentation, intra-operative decision-making and post op care. Gland Preservation Surgery provides high quality illustrations, clinical and operative images, and videos that serve as an online resource to salivary gland surgeons and endoscopists with varying experience and expertise. ​

Ocular Surface Disorders

Author: Jose M Benitez-del-Castillo,Michael A Lemp
Publsiher: JP Medical Ltd
Total Pages: 393
Release: 2013-11-04
ISBN 10: 1907816313
ISBN 13: 9781907816314
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Current knowledge of the epidemiology, clinical expression, pathophysiology and available medical and surgical therapy for ocular surface diseases, providing an invaluable text for ocular surface specialists, general ophthalmologists, optometrists and residents.

Sj gren s Syndrome

Author: Manuel Ramos-Casals,John H. Stone,Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos
Publsiher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 633
Release: 2011-11-16
ISBN 10: 9780857299475
ISBN 13: 0857299476
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Diagnosis and Therapeutics provides a thorough, multisystemic overview of the clinical manifestations of Sjögren’s Syndrome. It contains chapters pertinent across the range of medical specialties that may encounter Sjögren’s Syndrome cases. Chapters are specialty-specific, for easy reference by the relevant medical specialist. In addition to being a diagnostic guide, Sjögren’s Syndrome: Diagnosis and Therapeutics includes a section on prognosis and outcomes of Sjögren’s Syndrome patients and provides an exhaustive therapeutic update, focused on new agents and experimental techniques. The inclusion of diagnostic/therapeutic algorithms illustrates the text with clinical photographs of the main organs involved and helps the reader to make guided diagnostic and therapeutic decisions through decision-based algorithms.

PDR Lab Advisor

Author: Anonim
Publsiher: Anonim
Total Pages: 329
Release: 2006
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13: PSU:000060770226
Language: EN, FR, DE, ES & NL